A Spring Poetry Festival (Mushaira) was held in Kunar Province by the Department of Information and Culture

Sat, Mar 23 2024 10:35 AM

On Friday (22 of March, 2024), the Department of Information and Culture held a Spring Poetry Festival (Mushaira) in Kunar province.
Kunar province’s poets, writers, culture lovers, the officials of the institutions and the deputy governor participated in the Mushaira.
The Director of Information and Culture Maulvi Najibullah Hanif welcomed the participants and mentioned the purpose of this kind of Mushairas is for gathering and unity of cultured people.
He added that the poet has a high position, who takes the society in the right direction through the language of poetry and points out the shortcomings of the society, poets should use such poetry that helps in the reforming of the society and not for destruction.
Cultural personality Dr. Nizamuddin Malyar thanked the Department of Information and Culture for organizing such a pleasant Mushaira. He evaluated the Mushaira well and gave corrective recommendations to the poets and asked for the continuity of such cultural and literary sessions.
The Mushaira ended with the recitation of prayers by the Culture and Tourism Manager Maulvi Munibullah Shakir.